How to Use Authority Marketing to Build Quality Links

Authority marketing involves positioning your brand as a thought leader or expert in your business niche or community. Through sustained effort continuously providing valuable information, it positions your brand as a source of knowledge which others can trust.

The challenge is acute for new brands and websites as their chances of getting high-quality backlinks, which is one of the most critical aspects of acing search rankings, is fairly low. If you too are experiencing the same issue with your brand, we suggest you actively consider exploring authority marketing to build up your search presence.

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7 Tips to Boost Your YouTube SEO Strategy

Do you have a YouTube channel or are you planning to start one this year? If your answer is yes, you’ll be delighted to know that:

  • YouTube has over 2 billion users. That’s nearly one-third of internet users worldwide. (Source: YouTube)
  • 74% of adults and 77% of 15-35-year olds in the U.S. use YouTube (Source: Hootsuite)
  • Every year, more and more channels earn 5 figures on YouTube. (Source: YouTube)

If these stats don’t convince you to optimize your videos for YouTube search, I don’t know what does. Because the truth is, YouTube is growing. 

Marketing your business through video may not be a new concept. However, we cannot deny the fact that video is a more engaging format than the written word. Brands can convey their message in just a few seconds. 

Video is also more personalized and more likely to result in conversions. 

But here’s the key: 

To make your YouTube videos succeed, you need to invest in YouTube SEO. You read that correctly. Even video content needs to be optimized to gain visibility — just like your website! 

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How to Use Content Syndication the Right Way

Content syndication is one of the most controversial SEO strategies around. In fact, for every content marketer who swears that syndication is essential, you’ll find one who tells you that it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Why is this?

The controversy comes from the fact that syndication can offer huge SEO benefits, but it also poses a number of risks when you don’t know what you’re doing. On top of that, syndication means working with third parties. 

This adds an uncontrolled variable, as your syndication partner can easily mess something up too. Therefore, the best content syndication strategies leverage the benefits on offer while minimizing the risks for your SEO.

Today we’re going to look at two strategies to achieve this. Specifically, we’ll explore how you can syndicate video content and infographics to boost your organic and referral traffic. But first, let’s start with the basics.

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Best Ways to Skyrocket eCommerce Sales Conversions

Are you looking for the best ways to skyrocket your eCommerce sales conversions? Are you tired of implementing ‘proven’ eCommerce strategies and getting little or no results? If this is you, this article is for you.

After spending a lot of time and resources to create the ‘perfect’ eCommerce website, you expected a sales explosion. 

You did your homework and found in-demand products and trusted suppliers. You even set aside a considerable budget for advertising. But despite doing what the internet tells you to do, your eCommerce sales remained below par.

The reason why you are not hitting those big numbers is competition. There are over 47 billion websites on the internet; your site is just one of them. In the US, there are approximately 1.3 million eCommerce websites

Imagine following the same strategies that 1.3 million eCommerce websites are doing and expecting to perform better somehow?

The average eCommerce sales conversion rate is between 1% to 2%. This rate is what those strategies will get you. If you want to skyrocket your eCommerce sales conversions higher than that, you have to do what only the successful minority of eCommerce store owners are doing. You have to dig deeper to optimize your conversion.

Let’s get started.

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6 Best Tips To Grow Your Email List

Every digital marketer has heard the phrase “the money is in the list” if you are wondering whether it is true – yes it is.

To put things into perspective, it is reported that email marketing can generate $38 per $1 spent, that is ROI of 3,800% – having a hard time thinking of another marketing channel with similar results? Me too. 

But chances are, that if you are reading this post about tips to grow your email list, you already know that. Now you need to know how to grow your list consistently and as much as possible. 

After all, the magic is in the numbers, the bigger list you have the more monetization opportunities it offers. It rolls like a snowball, as not only monetization increases but ironically with the growth of your list it becomes even easier to…grow your list some more. 

In this post, we will discuss tips on how to grow your email list, and shape it into an additional pillar of your online business. 

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World’s Best SEO Experts To Follow In 2021

Are you into SEO and looking forward to taking your SEO game to the next level?

Do you want to learn SEO tips and tricks from the best in the world?

If your answer to the above two questions is yes, then I have curated a list of 20+ best SEO experts that you must follow in 2021.

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