Category Archives: Marketing

Mastering Business Email Etiquette: 11 Best Practices

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Mastering the art of business email etiquette isn’t just a nice-to-have skill; it’s an absolute must. Still, as important as it is, many people second-guess the basics: Am I too formal? Too casual? Is my message clear, or is it buried under too many words?

In this article, you’ll discover some best practices to make your professional emails stand out. From creating an attention-grabbing subject line to signing off in a way that keeps the conversation going, we’ll dive into the essential details of email communication that many often overlook.

Ready to dive in?

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The Impact of Visual Content on Marketing Performance

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How can I drive more customers to my business?” 

Well, isn’t this the age-old concern of every single business across all industries? As the competition increases, building a positive presence among audiences is crucial. And the oldest and most proven method is advertising.

But today’s business landscape teaches us that advertising products and services is not enough. Businesses must connect with customers through other media as well, which are most commonly social media platforms. 

This is where knowing and implementing visual content becomes a key to marketing strategies.

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Omnichannel Retail Strategy 101: A Beginner’s Guide (2024)

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Omnichannel retail receives 494% more orders than single-channel campaigns. But, only a few successfully used them because many struggle to coordinate their marketing campaigns across multiple channels. If you are too, our guide will help you develop a comprehensive omnichannel retail strategy that streamlines your marketing functions.

Our guide discusses the practical steps in developing a winning omnichannel retail strategy. It covers examples, best practices, and ethical strategies. After exploring this guide, you can create consistent marketing campaigns that attract the right audience.

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Email Gamification: Tips, Best Practices, and Examples to Boost Email Marketing!

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Do you ever feel like your emails get lost in the inbox with no clicks, reads, or engagements? It can be frustrating when you’ve invested considerable time and energy in a visual treat and 200-word explainer. 

If that’s the case, then maybe it’s time to ditch the snoozefest and inject some fun into your email marketing strategy!

That’s where email gamification comes in– and it’s not just about sending Candy Crush to your customers (although that might be pretty cool, too). Want to learn more?

Let’s understand email gamification, how it works, why it is important, and how it impacts email marketing campaigns.

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Generative Engine Optimization: Is this the Death of SEO?

Generative Engine Optimization: Is This the Death of SEO Blog Banner

For the longest time, Google has held the crown as the go-to search engine for every query that people might have. 

Google’s overarching popularity gave birth to search engine optimization, a process by which web owners can compete and rank their pages for a given search query.

But with the advent of generative AI and the rise of large language models, will generative engines (GE), like ChatGPT or Gemini, replace search engines as the primary mode of information?

In a 19-page research study, six researchers from various universities (Princeton University, Georgia Tech, IIT Delhi, and Allen Institute of AI) believe so. 

SEO arguably transformed the marketing world during the reign of search engines. However, as AI-oriented generative engines rapidly increase in popularity, the researchers believe “Generative Engine Optimization” is the new modern paradigm in marketing. 

According to them, GEO aims to boost the visibility of content creators in generative engine responses.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at generative engine optimization. Flesh out its advantages and disadvantages, differentiate GEO vs SEO, explore how you can implement GEO, and, ultimately, answer the golden question: is GEO the death of SEO?

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Is Generative AI the Future of Content Marketing?

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Ever since the advent of ChatGPT, generative AI has been sort of a hot and sensitive topic across various industries, and for good reason!

Forget the paranoia that artificial intelligence might take over humanity and usher in the age of the Matrix. The most imminent threat of generative AI is automation, putting people’s livelihoods in a vulnerable position.

Given humanity’s penchant for wealth and convenience, it’s only natural for big companies to explore the capabilities of AI to serve their bottom line. Part of this campaign is leveraging AI to automate sectors within businesses that could use less human resources and more robots.

One of these branches is content marketing

Before the AI craze, digital marketers took pride in bridging the gap between companies and customers through content. 

While content marketing does the job of attracting organic traffic, it’s no secret that content creation is a massive time-consumer and budget depleter. 

Therefore, generative AI seems like the perfect compromise that satisfies the need for said wealth and convenience. 

Today, Forbes says more than half of marketers actively use generative AI with 22% more planning to adopt it soon, believing it can save them an average of 5 hours of work per week. Comfort aside, however, a few questions have circulated my thoughts, like:

  • Do the benefits of AI in marketing extend to content quality?
  • Is generative AI for content marketing effective, metrics-wise?
  • Is generative AI the future of content marketing?

Let’s explore the answers here today.

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