Category Archives: Marketing

What is Website Retargeting & How to Benefit From It

What is Website Retargeting & How to Benefit From It

As someone running a small business, you want to find the best way to get customers on your site. Once you have their attention, you’re more likely to make the sale. There’s so much competition out there though, so how can you be sure that you’ll get them on to your site in the first place and come back to make the purchase?

Website retargeting is the best way to get visitors and potential customers to visit your site. It’s often called Remarketing, and it helps spread awareness of your brand. It’s quite simple, really.

The first step is to have someone visit your website, where they would then receive a retargeting cookie. Then, the retargeting cookies will place ads strategically on the websites they visit, be it search engines, or social media. Afterwards, when they click on the ad, it will bring them back to your website to complete the sale. With B2B, the biggest challenge is visitors, and you need visitors to have sales.

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15 of the Finest Public Relations Tools for 2022

Best Public Relations Tools

As a business or brand owner, two thoughts trigger every step you take and every decision you make concerning your business and brand. These thoughts are: “how to make huge sales” and “how to do better than your competitors”, and these boil down to one thing – which is getting your Public Relations Tools right!

Back when things were done manually and outside the social space, the tools obtainable were newsletters, advertorials, flyers, posters, pamphlets, radio and television broadcasting, etc. Still, these manual tools can only do as much as their capacity can do.

But now that everything has been moved online and digital, the coverage and effectiveness of Public Relations have been taking up several notches using relevant digital PR tools that make the job less tedious and more productive.

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How To Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns Using Videos

How To Boost Your Email Marketing Using Videos

According to recent research by HubSpot, 96% of customers stated that their interest in video increased after the pandemic. 9 out of 10 people prefer to watch marketing videos from businesses and brands in this digital era.

If you are not doing email marketing by using videos, you miss a great opportunity. So, this is the right time to invest in video marketing. Use videos in email marketing and increase your brand awareness and other business objectives.

Let’s look into this blog; we will discuss the step-by-step guide for effective video email marketing and its benefits to your business.

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7 Common Mistakes Brands Make While Working With Influencers

Influencer getting ready to record a video - Working With Influencers

Social media marketing has become a necessity for most businesses. Nowadays, unless you have a strong social media presence, you’ll have difficulty reaching users and getting them to engage with your brand.

Although it isn’t difficult to create several profiles for your company on various social networks, unless you are active and manage to amass a large following – it will be hard to gain a significant benefit from managing those channels. Thankfully, there are ways to get around this problem. One of the most efficient techniques is to partner with an influencer who can promote and represent your brand on social media.

However, many marketers aren’t too knowledgeable when it comes to influencers, and we see the same mistakes get repeated time and again. To help you avoid the common pitfalls, we have compiled a list of 7 common mistakes brands make while working with influencers.

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7 Retargeting Strategies to Acquire More Traffic & Convert more Leads

7 Retargeting Strategies to Acquire More Traffic & Convert more Leads

Abandoned carts. Crickets during launches. Warm leads that never convert. 

Not to mention the blood, sweat, and tears your team poured into every campaign for seemingly no reason. 

It’s enough to worry any brand. 

Brands rely on high traffic and conversions to not only stay afloat but to reach their long-term business goals. 

When brands invest in company resources, labor, and campaign efforts without success, they have trouble scaling their business. Eventually, they may even need to shut down. 

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, you might be worried about the state of your own campaigns. 

You might be asking yourself …

“What am I doing wrong?”

“How can I keep my company afloat like this?”

“What if the next campaign we invest in makes or breaks our business?”

Or, maybe your marketing woes aren’t this dramatic. Maybe your company is doing just fine, but you’d still like to see higher traffic and conversions. 

You could also be somewhere in the middle — that’s fine, too.

The truth is, no matter what stage you’re in with your business, you can use retargeting strategies to acquire more traffic and convert more leads. 

In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about retargeting strategies. We’ll also lay out seven strategies you can start implementing right away. 

Let’s take a look.

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A Definitive Guide to Effective Social Media Strategies on Amazon

social media marketing

Social media has significantly and undeniably taken a big role in everyone’s lives nowadays. Look around, and almost everyone you know has at least one social media account. This is why it’s best to utilize social media to promote your Amazon business. Plugging your business will help you rank your Amazon products and gain traction from your followers. With it, it’s best to say that you’re hitting multiple birds at once.

In this definitive guide to effective social media strategies on Amazon, we provide you tips on how you can use them immediately to help you grow your sales and increase the visibility of your product. We also cover a few best practices to keep in mind when executing these strategies. Read on to know more about how you can apply this to your business!

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