Category Archives: Marketing

The Best 7 Public Relation Tools

7 best public relations tools

To outsiders, PR may seem like a cakewalk. Just reach out and schmooze with journalists, influencers, and bloggers. And BAM, you get your coverage.

But in reality, there is much more to being a PR professional than what first meets the eye. They’re constantly putting out fires and managing multiple moving parts, all while staying on top of the ever-changing social media landscape.

PR pros need to be awake and on top of the latest happenings at all hours of the day since their job will always be on-call for those ‘crisis communications’ that pop up unexpectedly. Sure, there are large moments of elation when their press release gets picked up, but they often have to put in long hours of brainstorming to make it possible. PR pros also spend a lot of time working behind the scenes to generate positive buzz. So, in addition to building relationships with the press, they’re also working to monitor their company’s social media presence and undertaking a whole host of other things to boost business.

In short, the world of PR is chock-full of perplexing issues that can be challenging to manage. And unless you master the ropes and prepare well, you’re going to be in for a rough ride. That’s why we’ve scoured the web and put together this list of best tools for you to use when planning your next big PR campaign.

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TikTok Marketing Tactics that Work

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TikTok has become one of the most popular social media networks. It’s become appealing because of its huge number of users and the age of its creators and audience. 70% of creators’ ages are 13 to 24. That’s crucial for marketing purposes, especially if you want to reach younger generations.

With the right approach in mind, it’s possible to gain a considerable following, especially now since the platform is still in its growth stage. Keep reading to learn some of the tactics to follow to grow your audience on TikTok.

Before we break down all the details, let’s look at why TikTok is such a good marketing opportunity.

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Lead Generation Funnel Creation – Guide to Getting Leads Online

How to get leads

Looking for ways to build lead generation funnel?

You came to the right “post”. This the ultimate article to create your lead generation funnel and automate the whole lead gen process.

Gone are the days when computers would make us feel like old Jurassic fossils. In this era of globalization, almost everything, ranging from schooling to business & dating has embarked on an online trend.

Indeed, hosting a website is no longer the issue these days; the issue is how visible you are online. This has led to a proliferation of website design and development services. And all of them need leads. For this reason, lead generation is a crucial service that is demanded by all those who have an online presence.

This has led to a proliferation of website design and development services. And all of them need leads. For this reason, lead generation is a crucial service that is demanded by all those who have an online presence.

Today, we are going to shed some light on how you can get more customers for your online business with lead generation funnel.

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A Quick Guide to Building Your Ecommerce Content Strategy

If your business has an advertising and marketing plan, then a content strategy should form part of it. There are many benefits to investing in a content strategy, and the returns far outweigh the costs. In fact, research has shown that content creates approximately three times as many leads as traditional marketing, but costs 62% less to generate.

A strong content marketing strategy allows you to reach potential customers that may have otherwise passed you by. The same study mentioned above found that 70% of people prefer to learn about a brand through articles rather than adverts. By producing content, you can show off your brand in more detail, and draw in customers that would ignore a simple banner ad.

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How to Research Competitors on Instagram

How to research competitors on instagram

Instagram is quickly becoming one of the most popular platforms for brand and product promotion. It has more than 1 billion active users per month, nearly 2/3 of them aged between 18 to 29. It’s also an emerging app for online shoppers, with around 130 million Instagram users clicking on Instagram Shopping posts. 

If you’re looking at Instagram as an additional advertising and sales platform, you are not alone. Your competitors might also be thinking the same thing. In fact, they might already have a long-standing presence on Instagram. To gain a foothold in this upcoming market, you need to know what your competitors are doing with their Instagram business accounts. 

This article will discuss how to do Instagram competitor research. You’ll discover strategies you can use to identify your competitors and better understand the methods they are applying to grow their business.

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