Category Archives: Marketing

How To Use Ethical Marketing To Attract The Right Audience

73% of millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings. Ethical marketing is going through the roof. Now is the best time to apply it to your business and cash in on all of the benefits. 

In this article, we’ll look at the 13 best ways to use ethical marketing to attract the right audience. They will help you avoid getting into trouble with the law and make sure your brand will stay aligned with its values. Look for instance at how these companies are using ethical marketing the right way.

It’ll lead to a massive increase in sales, conversions, and the number of loyal customers.

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How to Use Authority Marketing to Build Quality Links

Authority marketing involves positioning your brand as a thought leader or expert in your business niche or community. Through sustained effort continuously providing valuable information, it positions your brand as a source of knowledge which others can trust.

The challenge is acute for new brands and websites as their chances of getting high-quality backlinks, which is one of the most critical aspects of acing search rankings, is fairly low. If you too are experiencing the same issue with your brand, we suggest you actively consider exploring authority marketing to build up your search presence.

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6 Best Tips To Grow Your Email List

Every digital marketer has heard the phrase “the money is in the list” if you are wondering whether it is true – yes it is.

To put things into perspective, it is reported that email marketing can generate $38 per $1 spent, that is ROI of 3,800% – having a hard time thinking of another marketing channel with similar results? Me too. 

But chances are, that if you are reading this post about tips to grow your email list, you already know that. Now you need to know how to grow your list consistently and as much as possible. 

After all, the magic is in the numbers, the bigger list you have the more monetization opportunities it offers. It rolls like a snowball, as not only monetization increases but ironically with the growth of your list it becomes even easier to…grow your list some more. 

In this post, we will discuss tips on how to grow your email list, and shape it into an additional pillar of your online business. 

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How to Target Competitors’ Customers with Advertising?

Target Competitors' Audience with Advertising

Are you a top leading B2B or B2C company or small scale entrepreneur? Any of the business types you belong to, one certainly would have competitors! A little competition is healthy and can even lead to positive innovation & creativity!

Doesn’t it sound interesting to get your brands in front of those customers or users already involved with your online rivals? In traditional means, it can be a daunting task to push up your promotional campaigns. Understanding who your competitors are and knowing their subscribers or customers makes the process a whole lot easier. 

And it is always wise to choose smart work over hard work. 

It is a very well-thought strategy to advertise to the customers of your target competitors. It cuts the clutter of trial and error and promises a better ROI in the long run. 

But before targeting the audience, first, you need to think of a way to figure out who these individuals really are. However, at least from an online viewpoint, you can show up to your rival’s online audience. In general, marketing the pre-existing customers of your target competitors is still like a laser target and can prove to be extremely useful! 

We are here to help you with it. Here are some of the simple yet best ways to target competitors’ customers with advertising. It will help you get some fresh ideas & tactics for managing the campaigns that outsmart your competitors. 

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Affiliate Marketing Basics: Where to Start?

Businesswoman working at home. Freelancer and her workspace.

Your alarm goes off at 6 AM. You gulp down breakfast and rush out the door. Then you spend the next hour sitting in traffic, barely managing to make it to work on time. 

Once there, your day consists of endless, mind-numbing reports, meetings, and phone calls. Then you spend another hour in the car trying to get home.

Even worse, it’s the same thing… day after day. When does it end?

Have you thought about getting into affiliate marketing? When done properly, it can be a lucrative side gig, a full-time income, or even a long-term passive income solution for entrepreneurs who want to escape the daily grind.

In fact, Statista reports that brands will be spending about 8.2 billion dollars on affiliate marketing by 2022. That’s an increase of more than 3 billion dollars since 2017. Clearly, now is a great time to tap into the potential of this growing industry.

Learning affiliate marketing basics and implementing them today will put you in a prime position to take advantage of this expected growth. Here’s what you need to know to get started.

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How to find the best influencers for your brand

Over the past year, Influencer marketing has been a great resource for many companies, no matter how big or small they are. There are many benefits from doing influencer marketing, the main one being the possibility of reaching out to an audience that is quite difficult to do with other types of marketing.

That being said, finding the right content creators is not an easy task. Sometimes, these types of campaigns might not have the results the brand is expecting, due to the selection of influencers. Choosing the correct influencer who brings authenticity to your brand will be key in order to get good results for your campaign. It’s not just selecting influencers who have a good amount of followers; there are many other variables that need to be considered in this process.

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