Category Archives: SEO Reporting

Best SEO KPIs and Dashboards to Analyze Performance Like A Pro

Best SEO KPIs and Dashboards to Analyze Performance Like A Pro

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is both an art and a science. Getting the science bit right requires constant monitoring and optimization. That often means monitoring a lot of SEO metrics. 

This is especially important if you operate an enterprise website or a multi-topic website with multiple SEO indicators. After that, you need to compare performance changes over time to see how your SEO strategy is doing. 

That all seems like a lot of work. But a good SEO dashboard can simplify the process.

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How to Generate Quality SEO Reports for your Clients

SEO Reports for ClientsIf you’re researching on how to step up your game as an agency, one of the things you should start doing is send monthly SEO reports for clients.

If you want to know why it’s important – keep on reading!

In this post we will explain everything an SEO agency owner needs to know about SEO reports:

  • What is a good SEO report and why ‘less is more’
  • Why EVERY agency owner needs to send reports
  • We will give you Free SEO templates that anyone can use
  • Show what your SEO reports should include
  • And detail how to make a stellar SEO report

If you are thinking “well, I don’t really need this” – then this post is a must read for you.

There is nothing more dangerous than not showing your client why they are paying for the work you do.

You must show your clients that the money they pay delivers the results they want.

It’s as simple as that!

So let’s dive in 😉

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Now Your Agency’s Clients Can Track Your Linkbuilding Progress

Agency's Clients Can Track Your Linkbuilding Progress“Happy Client Happy Life”

If you have been in Agency business long enough – you know that’s so true that agency’s clients can track your linkbuilding progress.

And one way how to make sure your agency’s clients are satisfied with your work is when you go the extra mile and show them that your work is worth their money.

In fact, your agency depends on making sure that your clients are satisfied with the work you do.

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