We gathered 27 niche website ideas, examples, and site case studies with the most successful entrepreneurs sharing their secrets on how to make the big money.
Case Studies
Case Studies
Teaching A Student to Create & Rank A Niche Sites – aPennyShaved
Spencer Haws
The second niche website example from Spencer. This time he teaches his student to create the site, rank it, and bank.
ViperChill Case Study With A Twist: 3 People Attack The Same Niche Ideas
Glen Allsopp
Two experienced SEOs and one newbie battle it out with their strategies to see which set of methods help them win the top spot. The cool thing is that each of them can spend just 1000 bucks.
Podcast Case Study With Pat Flynn
Pat Flynn
In this podcast, Pat Flynn reveals the key points behind his success in building various niche sites. This particular episode is dedicated to finding long-term resources you can offer your readers. Pat also dives deep into a relevant case study. He is an industry leader that inspires others to build better online businesses!
Zero to Over $4000 per Month in Six Months with Doug Cunnington
Quin Askeland
A very useful case study on how to build and monetize niche sites. Quinn Askeland asks how Doug Cunnington went from $0 to $4000 a month with Amazon niche site.
He also has his own case study which he did a while ago with another niche website idea.
Niche Site Income Streams
Jason Van Orden
A six-part case study on being successful with a niche site and then tripling the amount he makes.
Journey to Ranking a Health Niche Website
Neil at the Hosting Tavern gives useful tips for building your website’s ranking for a Health Niche Website. Take a look!
28K Per Month Authority Site Case Study
Justin Cooke
When Justin saw a site listed on Flippa that was making around $28k per month, he went on to research the details behind their earnings and made his own blog niche ideas.
How I Earn an Extra $1,000 a month with Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Andy Feliciotti
Andy gives a full breakdown of how he built his side hustle AwesomeStufftoBuy.com. He started with a simple Google search and grew this business into thousands of dollars of monthly side income.
How To Create A $20,000+ p/m Affiliate Site Like Thisiswhyimbroke.com
Stuart Walker
An analysis of a site that makes $20000 p/m and how you can do it too. Here you can find two other case studies of that sort.
Ultimate Gaming Mouse
Rishit Shah
Rishit ranks a site in the gaming mouse niche, he runs his blog with his brother Rushin.
From Niche Ideas To Rich Ideas
Evan Bailyn
It was by chance that Evan became an entrepreneur at the age of 21. He has hidden an extraordinary amount of effort and patience in three small stories on how he made it online. From Ghostwriting to launching a Cartoon doll site for kids that was featured as a top 10 children’s destination in the US, this man has done some cool things.
Niche Website Example – A Slow Start for NS4 and $935 in Passive Income!
Both failures and successes are revealed in this epic tale of starting from $0 to reaching $935 per month in profit with Amazon niche sites.
Announcing My Amazon Associates Niche Site Experiment
Nick LeRoy
Nick goes into the details of his Amazon niche site that went on to gross $500 per month with Amazon affiliate program and finally being kicked out of Amazon Associates program to finding alternative ways to keep the ship afloat.
Battling Self Doubt To Blogging Success
Adam Enfroy
This story tells the hardships that Adam faced when creating his now successful online business of niche blogging. He talks about how he attempted to achieve his online success several times and how he got to this point in his business.
Tutorials & Niche Website Ideas
How To Build A Profitable Niche Website
Lazy Ass Stoner
In an 8 part series, The Lazy Ass Stoner reveals how you can make profitable niche websites selling Amazon products. He reveals a search term that gets 12000 searches per month and how he made money with it.
How To Build An Authority Internet Business
Steve Scott
Steve Scott shows how to build a niche authority business.
How I Built A Niche Site That Ranked #1 In Google & Made $93.32 in 38 Days
Tung Tran
Building and ranking a niche site that made $93.32 in just over 30 days. He later on went to make $1000 per month with that exact niche website example he is sharing there for free. In the end, he sold it for $10k on Flippa.
How To Rank In Competitive Affiliate Niches
Alex Becker
Taking the example of a real niche website and struggles from real experiences, Alex shares which techniques worked best for his niche website.
How I Grew A Niche Affiliate Site From $0 To $3,934 A Month In 6 Months
David McSweeney
David McSweeney has gone into painstaking details sharing one of his niche website examples. With over 86 comments and hundreds of shares this really is a winner. Techniques used to rank the site are completely white hat in one sense. He recently posted an update showing how the initial effort brings him residual income every single month.
Niche website ideas & Tips
How to Quit Your Job Build a Business and Live Anywhere
Sean Ogle
Sean shares his story of creating a successful niche website. He shares his ups and downs as well as challenges that he faced when creating his project Location180.
Is It Possible To Generate $21,500 Quickly From 3 Simple Niche Website Ideas?
James Brands
3 Simple niche website ideas that can make you $20k or more.
Authority Now Has A Name
Mike (TheFinancialBlogger)
Another niche site that participated in the Niche site duel.
Authority Site Duel
Sunil and Eric did a duel on making niche sites and this one outlines everything that he did.
6 Month Plan To $3k A Month With Successful Niche Websites
Justin Cooke
Justin reveals the mistakes and the steps that he took while building a niche site empire. It’s a pretty good read and he offers interesting insights on getting content for cheap, AdSense, site purchases, and keyword research.
Niche Pursuits Study
Spencer Haws
He reveals the keywords, the site and the methods used to rank the sites. Right now sites inspired by his work are the ones at the top of the SERPs.
1,000 Commissions With Little Competition
Zac Johnson
Ever fancied niches with high volume searches and low competition. This stuff is made of dreams where Zac Johnson does exactly that and moreover, these niches earn you $1000 commissions.
Just in case if this post was not enough, here are more niche website ideas & site case studies:
- SEO – 58 Case Studies, Tutorials & Tools
- Digital Marketing – 44 Digital Marketing Case Studies from The Top Experts
- Traffic Generation – 24 Case Studies, Tutorials & Tips
We hope this list got your creativity flowing and you have new niche website ideas.
Go, make them a reality.
I like the tips, already has more than a couple of months I’m studying about business online in an attempt to make money. One of my questions is about how to succeed with niche sites in order to get visits by google. Thanks for the information. Following the very good cases studys.
Thanks for the list.
Very nice collection of case studies. Would follow few of them and will test out how things work out for my next amazon affiliate site.
Cheers to team
Exceptionally decent gathering of contextual analyses. Would take after few of them and will try out how things work out for my next amazon subsidiary site.
Really a great case study, I am really fantasized about niche sites and niche blogging and yes it works provided that you keep on do regular posting on niche sites otherwise slowly it’s ranking will start to fade.
Thanks for sharing this info. I am currently planning on creating niche sites myself both for advertising (direct) and for selling affiliate products. I am trying to learn everything there is to know about niche sites in order to do it correctly and be effective. Planning on having this be one of my new passive income streams as in the past I concentrated more on traditional income streams such as real estate, stocks and brik and mortar businesses. Again some valid points to consider here when building a profitable niche site.
It’s great helpful to the fresher who start their niche.The case study is inspirational.Particularly, for myself; because I’m going to start my niche journey reading this super case study.I assume in future I must come back for more valuable information.
Great information and great learning.
Thanks a lot. Thats Enough for motivation.
Thanks for the list.