How big a threat to your website is link building hacking?

Remember when SEO was just about the keywords?  In 2020, search engine optimisation has changed beyond all recognition with businesses not just hiring one in-house expert but, sometimes, entire teams.  

Although keywords and phrases are still relevant in the SEO world, these days the focus has switched to Search Intent which is Google’s way of figuring out what the searcher is after; for example, to simply buy a product or, to compare a number of similar products through the search engine. This means that content that doesn’t match with search intent, simply won’t ascend Google’s ranks.  

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Zombie Pages: A Survival Guide

The term “zombie pages” is not some clever acronym or some quirky name given to something that doesn’t work. Zombie pages are a bit of a threat for every website, and their name describes their function – or lack thereof – perfectly.

But what are they, exactly?

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HARO: Is It Worth Using? + 10 Tips for Getting Chosen

Photo by Vanilla Bear Films

Getting featured by giant news media like CNN or the New York Times as an expert source can promise great exposure, ranking boost, and increased traffic to your website. 

But how can you make sure that a Guardian or Forbes reporter chooses your response out of the hundreds of other pitches they receive daily? Why would these big players care to quote YOU as an expert, especially when you’re just starting out? 

That’s where HARO comes into the picture. 

Journalists and bloggers are also always looking for reliable sources of information to cite in their upcoming stories and articles. Their inboxes may be full of messages from aspiring experts, but that’s not what they’re looking for! 

HARO lets reporters post their queries on their platform so that you can respond to them as an expert source and establish your authority. This way, journalists don’t have to look high and low for credible sources, and you don’t have to spend resources on outreach to get quoted by renowned websites. A win-win, isn’t it! 

But not every response gets picked by HARO. You may have to send many pitches before you get a placement. So, many people wonder if HARO’s worth the effort, and is there anything they can do to make sure they’re selected. 

But first, here’s how you can get started with HARO. 

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21 SEO Myths It’s Time to Stop Believing

Mankind is no stranger to myths. From Greek mythology to the stories our parents told us as bedtime stories, we’ve grown up around myths and these tall tales.

Work stories don’t make ideal bedtime stories (How I Ranked Joe’s Plumbing Business isn’t the same as Hercules), that doesn’t mean the SEO industry is lacking in myths. SEO myths have been around for as long as SEO has and the worst part is plenty of experts still believe them.

Since the industry is ever-changing, it can (admittedly) be difficult to keep up with fact or fiction but sometimes that fiction takes hold and doesn’t let go.

Today, I’m going to run over some of the biggest SEO myths that are still out there and why you should stop believing them.

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2 cents per word!? Outsourcing content creation the right way

It takes the average blogger 3 hours to write 1,000 words. I started my personal finance blog just 2 months ago but have already written 193,731 words of content (around as many words as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). 

Doing the math it should have taken me around 555 hours or 14 weeks (or 3 and half months) working full time to do this. So how did I do it? 

Outsourcing. But not just any outsourcing.

Outsourcing content creation at scale, speed, quality and most importantly at a budget. 

In this guide, I will share my step by step process for finding, training, and retaining freelance writers at 2 cents per word.

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Top 10 Actionable SEO Tips to Rank your Amazon Products Listing Much Higher

Amazon is a global leader and one of the fastest growing retailers on eCommerce. In fact, most consumers start their very first online shopping search on Amazon, and 206 million people visit it every month. With 81% of clicks going to brands on the first page of the search results, 70% of Amazon shoppers never browse past it, and accord 64% of their clicks to the first 3 items. So how can you thrive as a seller on the Amazon marketplace? Amazon SEO. 

In this article, I will break down to you 10 actionable Amazon SEO tips that will help you optimize your Amazon product listings higher than those of your strongest competitors, and eventually rank on top of the search results on Amazon.  

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