How to Capture New Customers Using Local SEO

How to Capture New Customers Using Local SEO

Unless you’re a large national chain, people probably aren’t looking for your business’s name in their local area. There are plenty of potential clients in your region who regularly overlook your shop or store when searching. Ignoring this demographic is a huge loss for your business – enter local SEO to the rescue.

Why not help them find you?

Use local search engine optimization (SEO) to bring customers to you or reactivate customers again. SEO has several aspects. However, for brevity, we will condense these into five steps. Don’t worry; we’ll examine each topic thoroughly, starting with market research and ending with content marketing.

There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get started.

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Copywriting vs Content Writing – Where Should You Invest In?

Copywriting vs Content Writing - Where Should You Invest In?

While some business owners use the terms “copywriting” and “content writing” interchangeably, the 2 are very different beasts. 

This article will lay the key differences on the line, explore the aims and benefits of each, and the impact they’ll have on your business.

Then, once you can differentiate the two and understand what they can offer your brand, you can make your decision between investing in high-performing copywriting or content writing.

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How To Set Up SEO For Google Shopping Organic Listings

How To Set Up SEO For Google Shopping Organic Listings

Properly setting up SEO for google shopping is a mandatory part of digital marketing. Today, you need to optimize your Google Shopping Ads if you’re looking for better ranking placement in the search results.

The thing is, when someone wants to purchase something, they naturally search on the internet and make a decision.

So if you don’t properly customize your ads data for optimum SEO performance, your target customers will never find your products in the SERPs.

For this purpose, you need to focus on multiple factors such as proper keyword research, customized product title and category, appropriate image and price, etc.

But how can you optimize your ads properly?

Don’t worry!

In this article, we will discuss that more broadly to help you overcome obstacles while advertising your products.

Let’s focus on that.

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5-Step Guide Into High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

5-Step Guide Into High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing (For Beginners) Banner Image

Are you looking to start making more money through affiliate marketing?

In this beginner-friendly article, we’ll show you how to do high-ticket affiliate marketing. This is a great way to make more commission on each sale and increase your income as an affiliate marketer.

Follow these 5 steps, and you’ll be well on becoming a successful affiliate marketer even if you just started. These tips will help you get started with high-ticket affiliate marketing and, ultimately, generate additional income.

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A Comprehensive Guide on SEO for Real Estate Websites

A Comprehensive Guide on SEO for Real Estate Websites

Running a business in real estate is not for the faint of heart due to the fierce competition over listings. Everyone, from solo initiatives with limited funding to huge multinational enterprises, share a common goal, i.e., to boost their visibility and acquire the best real estate listings.

Your competitors are the businesses operating in the same area as you, and depending on your hyper-local region, the competition can be intense, even among smaller businesses. However, adopting SEO strategies can significantly improve your chances of success, assuming you know what you are getting yourself into!

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How To Boost Website Dwell Time – A Marketer’s Choice

How To Boost Website Dwell Time - A Marketer's Choice

A website is an integral part of every online business. Several critical factors are involved in keeping it top-notch to achieve the company’s objectives. Website dwell time is one factor that acts as an important yardstick for measuring a website’s success.

You will find a thousand blogs giving you ideas on boosting your website dwell time but going through so much content is not worth it. We have included only the essential steps through which you can achieve the reason why you are reading this blog.

Let’s get started!

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