Category Archives: Digital Agency

Measuring Your Link Building ROI with Google Analytics

Measure Link Building ROI

In the world of online marketing, there are two schools of thought: those who think that link building ROI is the bread and butter of marketing campaigns and those who don’t.

While updates like the dreaded Penguin and above have shattered the dream of link farms and black hat link building, Google was never against quality linking. In fact, if done right, this is a fantastic SEO technique to have in your quiver!

But there’s a problem with link building.

It’s difficult to measure the impact on your business (or the Return of Investment). ROI is a business indicator that shows if your efforts are being translated into profit or not. After all, your link building campaigns should be focused on increased conversions. So Link building ROI is the way to go.

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How to Generate Quality SEO Reports for your Clients

SEO Reports for ClientsIf you’re researching on how to step up your game as an agency, one of the things you should start doing is send monthly SEO reports for clients.

If you want to know why it’s important – keep on reading!

In this post we will explain everything an SEO agency owner needs to know about SEO reports:

  • What is a good SEO report and why ‘less is more’
  • Why EVERY agency owner needs to send reports
  • We will give you Free SEO templates that anyone can use
  • Show what your SEO reports should include
  • And detail how to make a stellar SEO report

If you are thinking “well, I don’t really need this” – then this post is a must read for you.

There is nothing more dangerous than not showing your client why they are paying for the work you do.

You must show your clients that the money they pay delivers the results they want.

It’s as simple as that!

So let’s dive in 😉

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On Page vs. Off Page SEO – What Is The Difference And Best Practices

On Page vs. Off Page SEOWhen was the last time that you came upon a successful business that didn’t have a business website?

It is almost impossible.

And that is not a surprise. The internet changed the way we find products and services, so businesses had to evolve.

Here are some numbers to illustrate what we’re talking about. 93% of online buying experiences begin with search engine queries. If your business is missing out on a first page rank on a SERP, it’s missing out on 90% of all search engine traffic.

So we established that it is important that your potential customers and clients can find you online. How do you ensure that? Well, the tried and tested way is through search engine optimization.    

There are a lot of different techniques you can use to increase the rankings of your website and they are usually divided into 2 distinct groups – on-page and off-page SEO.fwhich link

Let’s dive deeper into these techniques and discuss what they entail and how to use them.

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12 Cold Emailing Strategies for Content Promotion [Hacks that Deliver]

Cold Emailing Strategies for Content Promotion

Creating strategies and content is hard if you’re doing it right. Especially cold emailing strategies for content promotion. Anyone can bang out a blog post, or email but to truly craft something high quality, valuable, and engaging takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. 

Does this sound at all familiar? You spend days on your latest piece of killer content, including interviews with experts, kick-ass graphics, and several rounds of revision and polish. You click publish, share with your social media profiles, and then …


You did not use cold emailing strategies for content promotion.

Sure, you got your few likes and maybe a couple of comments, but nowhere near the level of traction, you expected.

Why? You didn’t promote as well as you could have and should have. That’s the secret sauce to content in 2018.  The answer lies in cold emailing strategies for content promotion. Crafted till the last detail.

It’s smarter to find another 10,000 people to consume what you’ve already created as opposed to creating more.” ~Derek Halpern, Social Triggers

Promote more than you create.

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How to use Telegram for Content Promotion [The Ultimate Guide]

How to use Telegram for Content Promotion

Telegram is a popular messaging platform progressively gaining the attention of marketers during the past years. And it’s an awesome marketing tool – learning how to use Telegram for Content Promotion can be a vital step to improve your content promotion strategy.

The Telegram channels come in handy as a tool for content distribution to large audiences since they help individuals or brands stay in direct contact with their followers.

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