Category Archives: Digital Agency

How to Audit Content Successfully

How to Audit Content

Content is a crucial part of SEO that has been helping businesses gaining more visibility, ranks, and traffic. However, content is not only useful for marketers but also for customers/users.

Through great quality content, they get great quality knowledge that improves their buying decisions.

Thousands of marketers all over the world have been using the content as their primary channel of marketing and content has never disappointed them.

However, the life of the content is short (in most of the cases), the information which is great for now will not be great in the future.

Data, information, advice, and process keep changing with time and so does the demand for content.

This is why content needs to be refreshed from time to time so that its value doesn’t go down. Nobody wants to read the old information about some topic because the information is not valuable anymore.

To learn how to audit content, I am going to show you some great tips through which you can lift up the quality of your content and generate more traffic.

But first, you need to know why you are auditing the content, what are the reasons?

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How to Start a Marketing Agency

how to start a marketing agency

How to start a marketing agency by not going into major study loops? Well…

In today’s day and age, you shouldn’t need to attend a ‘Business 101’ course to know that marketing is essential for your agency.

Be it the traditional mediums of advertising to leveraging a growing number of digital channels, there is no shortage of ways to market your offerings.

However, with a countless number of others competing with you for people’s attention, it’s certainly not easy to start an agency nor outperform the competition.

In fact, for many businesses, investing in every component necessary to effectively stand-out is cost-prohibitive, or not an efficient use of company resources. But that doesn’t negate the need for marketing — cue outsourcing to dedicated marketing agencies.

With a global value of $1.2 trillion, gargantuan marketing and advertising spending certainly spells opportunity for marketing agencies.

On the surface, looking on how to start a marketing agency should be a no-brainer, but there’s a lot under the hood you need to be aware of before proceeding.

So, here’s the only guide that you will need on how to start a marketing agency.

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Buzzstream vs Buzzsumo vs Ninja Outreach Review – Which Outreach Tool Is The Best?

Buzzstream vs Buzzsumo vs Ninja Outreach Review

Buzzstream vs Buzzsumo vs Ninja Outreach.

With so many different email outreach tools, it is often a challenge to decide which tool(s) best suit your needs.

Today we decided to make a Buzzstream vs Buzzsumo vs Ninja Outreach review and help you decide which software will improve your business’s digital presence.

These tools all have a unique way of approach when it comes to management, campaign build-up, and process flow. One can only understand their difference based on the marketing focus.

So – Buzzstream vs Buzzsumo vs Ninja Outreach – who is the one for you?

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Measuring Your Link Building ROI with Google Analytics

Measure Link Building ROI

In the world of online marketing, there are two schools of thought: those who think that link building ROI is the bread and butter of marketing campaigns and those who don’t.

While updates like the dreaded Penguin and above have shattered the dream of link farms and black hat link building, Google was never against quality linking. In fact, if done right, this is a fantastic SEO technique to have in your quiver!

But there’s a problem with link building.

It’s difficult to measure the impact on your business (or the Return of Investment). ROI is a business indicator that shows if your efforts are being translated into profit or not. After all, your link building campaigns should be focused on increased conversions. So Link building ROI is the way to go.

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How to Generate Quality SEO Reports for your Clients

SEO Reports for ClientsIf you’re researching on how to step up your game as an agency, one of the things you should start doing is send monthly SEO reports for clients.

If you want to know why it’s important – keep on reading!

In this post we will explain everything an SEO agency owner needs to know about SEO reports:

  • What is a good SEO report and why ‘less is more’
  • Why EVERY agency owner needs to send reports
  • We will give you Free SEO templates that anyone can use
  • Show what your SEO reports should include
  • And detail how to make a stellar SEO report

If you are thinking “well, I don’t really need this” – then this post is a must read for you.

There is nothing more dangerous than not showing your client why they are paying for the work you do.

You must show your clients that the money they pay delivers the results they want.

It’s as simple as that!

So let’s dive in 😉

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