Category Archives: Digital Agency

How to Perform Competitive Landscape Analysis to Better Rank on Google

competitive landscape analysisSometimes, having a great strategy for your site isn’t enough to drive organic traffic. Competitive landscape analysis to boost your rank on Google is a must especially when you are just starting out. 

Optimizing for search engines is a dynamic process because you always have to take into account what your competitors are doing.

It can get quite difficult and confusing at times, but there are plenty of strategies and tools that you can utilize to help you out.

In this short article, I’ll cover how you can analyze competitive landscape and beat the competition using a few tools and techniques.

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How to Find SEO Clients with Linkedin [Acquisition Automation Guide]

How to find SEO ClientsThe world of SEO is highly competitive, ever-changing, constantly evolving and could easily be renowned for being one of the busiest industries in the world. So how to find SEO clients is something most of the businesses ask every day.

Today, we’re going to explore the ins and outs of finding and locating new SEO contacts for your SEO-related business, as well as delving into everything you need to know about contacting these potential new clients in the most productive and efficient way possible before securing the final deal.

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PPC Consultant Rates – The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Launching Your Agency

PPC Consultant RatesWhen launching your own PPC agency, it is important to consider the monetary values of your PPC consulting services. How to calculate your PPC Consultant Rates? Should you charge hourly? Do you charge every client the same?

After all, how do you generate decent revenue as a professional AdWords consultant? And what about recurring revenue?

Sure, you know how to capture customers – that’s pretty much your job. But how do you keep those customers with good PPC consultant rates?

You want to remain competitive within the PPC marketing industry, yet if your PPC consultant rates are too low, you will lose credibility and clients will assume low quality. However, if your rates are too high, clients might favor your competitors’ pricing.

So, how do you do it all?

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How to Sell SEO Services – 2 Experts Share Their Best Advice [Must See Tips]

how to sell seo servicesThere are more SEO agencies than minion costumes for a Halloween party. So the only way your agency can get clients is to learn how to sell SEO services.

As there are hardly any articles that provide tested tips on selling SEO services, we decided to question two of the top SEO experts and ask them – How to sell SEO services?

To crack this nut, we emailed Robert Lovell and Elena Tahora

  • Robert is a writer, editor, and digital marketer working in the UK. He creates marketing and PPC campaigns at JTC Consultants.
  • Elena is part of the SEO team at The company specializing in online marketing and SEO tactics.

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Losing Clients – Top Reasons SEO Agencies Get Fired [& How to Avoid Them]

Be the one who knows how to avoid losing clients. The moment when your Agency is getting fired!   We all know that losing marketing clients  is the worst thing that can happen to the business.  That is why you need to be the one who knows how to avoid losing clients. 

So, this article is like a cure for ill:

  • You will learn what are the most common reasons for an agency to get fired,
  • How to avoid losing clients,
  • And how to improve your agency’s client satisfaction.

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