Anchor Text Distribution Monitoring [to Avoid Google Penalties]

Anchor text monitoringAnchor text distribution can kill your rankings if done incorrectly.

Not monitoring the anchor tags can cost you all your organic traffic.

So, are you sure you want to risk it?

These days you can get the penalty for a lot of things, but most commonly it’s for – Over Optimized Anchor Text.

In fact, this is one of the top-3 reasons why SEO experts suggest to disavow backlinks.

At one point a backlink on your “money keyword” was a good thing for SEO, but now it is something that requires careful planning and attention.

Which means that there should be a way of optimizing your anchor text and avoiding a penalty at the same time.

Well, that’s what this post is all about:

  1. Here, we’ll be talking about different types of anchor texts
  2. How to spot over-optimized anchor texts and what’s the perfect ratio
  3. And How to fix them
  4. As well as why you need Linkody for it.

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7 Reasons Why to Use Linkody for Backlink Monitoring

Linkody is probably the best cloud-based tool for backlink monitoring that allows business owners and SEO agencies to keep track of their SEO efforts. There are a wide variety of reasons to keep a close eye on link profiles in the modern SEO world, from keeping link partners honest and accountable through to ensuring links you build aren’t putting you on a one way track towards harmful Google penalties. Let’s explore some of the biggest advantages Linkody provides and how it delivers those advantages more effectively than alternative software. Continue reading