How to check quality of backlinks? Linkody Backlink Checker is your Answer

how to check quality of backlinksThe article will explain all there is to know about the detailed data & metrics that Linkody provides for each link and how to check quality of backlinks.

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How to check quality of backlinks in One Simple Step

Linkody is the only tool you need to know how to check quality of backlinks.

For detailed analytics of all links currently in your backlink portfolio, click the “Dashboard” section – where you will be able to see the metrics of your backlink profile:dashboard section

For quick and easy access to all the metrics a link currently carries, click the lens in front of each link:

how to asses link quality

This will display a pop-up window with all the available data Linkody provides:backlink quality

Added, Status and Url From

added status url from

  • Added – the day this domain has either been added by you (in this case the name of the person will be shown near the gear icon on the right) or discovered by Linkody
  • URL From – URL of the page linking to your domain – hovering over it will display the complete URL. Note that when you add a link, you can indicate what page the link should point to and Linkody will warn you if the link points to another page

Landing Page, Anchor and Rel


  • Landing Page – the landing page this backlink is pointing to on your site. Hovering over this field (/) will display the full URL when NOT in “Expanded” view
  • Anchor – the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. If the link is from a picture, you can visualize this picture directly from Linkody by clicking on view picture. The anchor text is of utter importance to your ranking but remember to not over-optimize it. Keep a balanced ratio of brand, money keywords, and random keywords. (Also see Using Linkody to Monitor Anchor Text and Avoid Google Penalties)
  • Rel – can be NF (nofollow) or F (follow). NF means that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the site it is pointing to in the search engine’s index and F means that it will boost the page rank of the linked-to site (Learn the difference.)

Moz metrics, Spam Score & Shares

This is one of the most important part in learning how to check quality of backlinks with Linkody.

moz da spam and shares

  • Moz Metrics – quality metrics provided by
    MozRank represents a link popularity score. Pages earn MozRank by the number and quality of other pages that link to them. The score is calculated on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 10. In short, this is Moz’s own “PageRank“.
    Page Authority is Moz’s calculated metric for how well a given webpage is likely to rank in’s search results. Calculated on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100.
    Domain Authority represents Moz’s best prediction for how a website will perform in search engine rankings. It is calculated on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100.The MozRank, Page Authority, and Domain Authority are 3 great metrics to help you determine if a link is of value – the higher the 3 scores, the more valuable the link.
  • Spam Score – a metric from Moz that indicates how likely a website is to be penalized by the search engines. A link with a high Spam Score does not mean it will inevitably harm your site or should be immediately disavowed. However, it should be double checked.
  • Shares – the total # of social shares the current URL has (hover over to see the distribution by social network). Usually, the more the better – it represents the interest this domain and particular article/link has garnered.

IP, TLD and EFLip tld efl


  • IP address: the IP address of the site linking to you. This data shouldn’t be overlooked because Google and other search engines use it to guess if several sites are owned by the same entity. If you get several links from different domains but all these domains have the same IP; Google may decrease their global importance. Likewise, linking several of your sites between each other may have little impact if they are all hosted on the same server and share the same IP as Google will determine that they are all your property.
  • TLD – the Top Level Domain’s corresponding country (.com .fr etc.). Matt Cutts has stated that TLD doesn’t factor into a site’s importance. However, generally you’d like to have more websites from your own TLD. For example, if your website’s TLD is .es, you’ll want more of that, which will help you rank higher in that particular country. However, keep in mind that this limits the ability of the site to rank globally. According to Moz, a huge sudden surge from sites with TLDs of .ru, .cz, .cn, .pl, .ro, .bg, .biz,, and .info could be a sign of a negative SEO attack.
  • EFL – External Follow Links are hyperlinks that point at any domain other than the domain the link exists on. The lower the EFL, the better, because the page “juice” is distributed between less links. If another website links to you, this is considered an external link to your site. If you link out to another website, this is also considered an external link.

Alexa, Page title, Total links on page

alexa page title total links on page

  • Alexa – gives an estimation of a website’s traffic by ranking all the world’s websites. The site with the highest traffic gets rank #1. This is useful to assess the importance of a site linking to you, which indirectly impacts link value. This does not represent how much traffic this link will send, as the link may be placed very deep in the site.
  • Page title – the title of the source page is one of the most important on-page SEO elements. The keywords that are in the title get a lot of weight. So if a page with a link pointing to your site has the keywords you want to rank for in its title, it is indirectly beneficial to you.
  • Total links on page: the number of links in the source page. A page spreads its “link juice” to the pages it’s pointing to (internal or external). The more links a page has, the least juice it will pass to each page it is pointing to. On the contrary, the least links and the more juice to each of them. So it is beneficial to your ranking that the source page has the least links as possible. Only follow links pass juice – usually, internal links are all follow (F). Linkody gives the number of internal, external follow links and external nofollow links, most important metrics being the first two.

Quick Wrap-up

Linkody provides a comprehensive set of data & metrics to help you better evaluate backlinks’ quality and decide whether to keep them or not.

Moreover, once you have found unnatural links or links you think should be disavowed (become nofollow), head over directly to our handy guide: “Avoid or Get Rid of Penalties Using Linkody’s Disavow Tool

Nevertheless, let-us know if you have any questions on how to check quality of backlinks or improve your backlink portfolio.

12 thoughts on “How to check quality of backlinks? Linkody Backlink Checker is your Answer

  1. Hi,Francois

    Linkody is really useful software and competitive with all others I’ve used so far.

  2. Hi, Francois:

    Just signed up for a trial of the software and really enjoyed this walkthrough. I didn’t know you could get extra data for each link by hitting the spyglass (as you have to hover over that area to make it appear!) Also can you mention when in fact we SHOULD, disavow a domain. Where is a safe range in the spam metric and what should be considered toxic?

        1. Thanks Chris, that exactly was our goal. We wanted to explain which backlinks are considered bad, which should be disavowed and which are, in fact, valuable. I hope this post was helpful 😉

  3. Thanks for the response and the Expert Round Up, great way to get some standards set across the question of disavowing links.

    1. Yeah, we thought there is a lot of discussion in this space about which links to disavow – so, we asked the top experts. I hope this settles the question 😉

  4. Thank you for this article and the contribution of everyone in the commentary that allows us to learn more novices in this area.

  5. I would look via Semrush to see if a given domains wasn’t penalized. It the domains has lost the traffic in the past it is a sign. I would consider to disavow. Look a the traffic for the last 6 months – if it’s growing it’s OK if it’s not it’s a sign. Look at the ratio between number of domains and IP addresses. If you see 3000 domains but only 1000 unique IP addresses I would start investigating further.

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