Category Archives: Marketing

How to Promote Your Website FREE – 50 website traffic hacks

how to promote your websiteStarting to produce articles and trying to solve the good old question – how to promote your website?

Been there done that.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business.

The success you have, the money your site makes, everything depends on traffic. Yes, you need to know how to convert it well but that’s another story for another day.

Let’s see how to promote your website – 50 website traffic hacks are ahead.

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8 Ways to Automate PR – & how PR Tracker is all you need

pr trackerWorking with journalists, other agencies and creating high-quality articles can be quite demanding. If only there would be a way (or two) to automate PR and take the weight off your shoulders.

A PR Tracker one might wonder?

Drumm-roll, please!

Now there’s a PR tracker that can automate 8 of your daily tasks that took most of your time.

Keep reading & think what you will do with all the free time.

As a PR person, you might not even know what is a PR tracker (or as we call it – backlink checker) and why you should get one.

Let me break it down for you. Continue reading