Category Archives: Marketing

PPC Consultant Rates – The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Launching Your Agency

PPC Consultant RatesWhen launching your own PPC agency, it is important to consider the monetary values of your PPC consulting services. How to calculate your PPC Consultant Rates? Should you charge hourly? Do you charge every client the same?

After all, how do you generate decent revenue as a professional AdWords consultant? And what about recurring revenue?

Sure, you know how to capture customers – that’s pretty much your job. But how do you keep those customers with good PPC consultant rates?

You want to remain competitive within the PPC marketing industry, yet if your PPC consultant rates are too low, you will lose credibility and clients will assume low quality. However, if your rates are too high, clients might favor your competitors’ pricing.

So, how do you do it all?

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How to Send Cold Business Introduction Emails [with examples]

business introduction emailsThe first time I sent a bunch of cold business introduction emails, it was a complete disaster.

My email didn’t just land in the spam box. It annoyed my contact so much that he emailed back asking me to never bother him again.

Since then, I’ve sent out hundreds of cold business introduction emails. Some of these landed in the spam folder. Most didn’t earn any replies. But quite a few of them ended up as leads and eventually, new clients.

This is the cold hard truth about running an agency: you will have to write cold emails to win deals.

I’ll show you everything I’ve learned about writing deal-winning introductory emails in this post.

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How to Create A Unique Selling Proposition [Examples Included]

Creating a Unique Selling Proposition

Creating a unique selling proposition is the key to build a sustainable business online and, especially, a blog.

With every passing year, the online competition gets increasingly intense.

According to OptinMonster, there are approximately 600 million blogs in the world today, with 60 million getting added every month. With the sheer number of blog articles in existence, it’s possible that most bloggers have already covered the majority of topics within each industry. 

Sure, you may get some traffic, some comments, or some people may even subscribe to your email list. But it’s taken you years to get to this level. A few questions might linger your thoughts like:

  • How can I elevate my business above the fold?
  • What do I need to build a sustainable online business?

Three words: Unique selling proposition.

But how exactly do you create a USP? Stay tuned because in this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to make a unique sellin proposition.

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