Category Archives: Guides

2 cents per word!? Outsourcing content creation the right way

It takes the average blogger 3 hours to write 1,000 words. I started my personal finance blog just 2 months ago but have already written 193,731 words of content (around as many words as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). 

Doing the math it should have taken me around 555 hours or 14 weeks (or 3 and half months) working full time to do this. So how did I do it? 

Outsourcing. But not just any outsourcing.

Outsourcing content creation at scale, speed, quality and most importantly at a budget. 

In this guide, I will share my step by step process for finding, training, and retaining freelance writers at 2 cents per word.

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How to find the best influencers for your brand

Over the past year, Influencer marketing has been a great resource for many companies, no matter how big or small they are. There are many benefits from doing influencer marketing, the main one being the possibility of reaching out to an audience that is quite difficult to do with other types of marketing.

That being said, finding the right content creators is not an easy task. Sometimes, these types of campaigns might not have the results the brand is expecting, due to the selection of influencers. Choosing the correct influencer who brings authenticity to your brand will be key in order to get good results for your campaign. It’s not just selecting influencers who have a good amount of followers; there are many other variables that need to be considered in this process.

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