Category Archives: Link Building

Top 45 SEO Experts Share How to Assess if Backlinks Should be Disavowed

how to disavow backlinksHave you ever faced the dilemma of to disavow or not to disavow? how to disavow backlinks

Knowing how to disavow backlinks and which backlinks to disavow takes years of experience. We, therefore, asked the best SEO Experts to share their wisdom and tell everyone:

  • Which backlinks should be disavowed,
  • How to disavow backlinks,
  • And why disavowing links is so important.

The best part is that we made an infographic summarizing it all at the end.

So without further ado – the experts:

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43 White Hat Backlinks Hacks that work in 2022

white hat backlinksLooking for white hat backlinks?

You came to the right post.

Link building and outreach is still the backbone of SEO – without high-quality backlinks, there won’t be organic traffic. To help you out we collected 42 techniques to generate white hat backlinks that still work in 2022.

Quality over quantity.

A futile effort or your best return on investment is what you make out of link building. It’s is not black or white.

For every tactic you tell me is good, I can show you how it could be bad. For every tactic you tell me is wrong, I can find a scenario where it could be right.
– Eric Ward, author of the “Ultimate Guide to Link Building”

With the rise of organic tactics and holistic SEO, more and more marketers will focus on creating meaningful connections. More SEOs will steer away from shameless promotion and focus on helping people be smarter, happier, and richer.

This post contains 42, no-BS evergreen link building tactics that still work in 2022, and guaranteed to get you white hat backlinks. Because why fix something that already works?

As simple as they are, you still have to make them actually work by applying some common sense:

  • Be relevant. Focus on opportunities that are more targeted, rather than using the spray and pray approach.
  • Create a connection with your prospects. Don’t drop the bomb before you even had said “hi”.
  • Don’t promote – serve. Respect is key.
  • Kill them with kindness when you get rejected. Because you will get rejected. Especially if you’re just starting out with link building.

This post should act as a quick reference for the best ways to get white hat backlinks. Brainstorm with them, jot down the tactics you like and get to work.

Let’s cut to the chase.

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Find Competitor Backlinks to do Link-building [step-by-step guide]

find competitor backlinksThis article will teach you how you can find competitor backlinks and “take” their links.

Linkody is the tool that can not only help you assess competitor backlinks and show which backlinks are not linking to your site but also help to get all your competitor backlinks.

Feeling like you struck a gold mine?

Well, it’s pretty neat what this backlink tracker can do for you.

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12 Top SEO Experts Share Their Advice on 5 Evergreen Questions

top seo expertsThis article summarizes top SEO Experts and their Answers to 5 Questions – on Paying for Links, Linkbuilding, Blackhat Techniques that Work, and More.

The best of the best SEO experts share their money-making strategy – you would not want to miss that, right?

Just a quick side note: welcome to the Linkody blog. First time around? Linkody is an easy-to-use and affordable backlink tracker in real-time. Start your free 30-day trial here

We, at Linkody, believe that sharing information and useful findings with peers is the cornerstone of making each other better and more successful in the field of online marketing.

That’s why we decided to ask 12 top SEO Experts on 5 ‘evergreen’ questions in order to help you become a better marketer and keep you up-to-date with the latest trends:

  1. Should a company pay for links and risk a Google Penalty in the long-term?
  2. How could smaller companies, that don’t have a large link building budget, achieve “Linkbuilding Success”?
  3. What’s one blackhat SEO technique that works right now? How long before Google catches up?
  4. If a company has little chance in ranking for top keywords, should they completely avoid trying ranking for them?
  5. Which metrics do you rely on when assessing links?

Have a look on what top SEO Experts have to say. Continue reading