Category Archives: SEO

35 SEO KPIs You Should Measure (And Why)?

SEO KPI's you should measure

KPIs are an important part of SEO today. The reason is that a lot of agencies approach SEO differently. KPIs ensure that there is some degree of consistency to the results agencies can achieve through them. 

But the problem is that not many agencies target the right KPIs. And also, the fact that not all KPIs have the same importance. Let’s look at the KPIs that are essential to track in an SEO engagement. 

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Internal linking for SEO: The complete guide

From site menus to blog posts, every website uses internal links. Yet, when you think about SEO and linking, your mind automatically goes to backlinks. There are countless articles explaining the ins and outs of getting quality links from other websites. But what if I told you that a good internal linking strategy can boost your organic traffic by 40%?

Now, I’m not saying you don’t need external links and that you should only focus on the internal ones. Think about those two types of links like macaroni and cheese. They simply go better together. But before we dive into how you can boost your SEO with internal linking, let’s cover some basics.

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How To Create The Ultimate SEO H1 Tag

How To Create The Ultimate SEO H1 Tag

When it comes to SEO, optimizing H1 tags is often overlooked. But, did you know that this has a notable impact on your ranking?

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating the ultimate H1 tag for your website.

You’ll discover the best practices, common mistakes, the importance of H1 tags, and many more.

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How to Update Old Content that is not Ranking

You’ve decided to do an audit of your website, and you find that you have tons of old content that doesn’t rank. Although you could leave it as it is, SEO experts will tell you you shouldn’t do this because it will drag down the SEO ranking and overall authority of your entire website. Google doesn’t recommend you remove it either. According to Google’s Gary Illyes, “it’s not guaranteed that you will get any positive effect from that”.

So what exactly should you do about that old content? Google’s John Mueller himself gave us the answer: “Improving it means that rankings can only go up”.

Read on to learn how to do just that. 

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7 Tips to Boost Your YouTube SEO Strategy

Do you have a YouTube channel or are you planning to start one this year? If your answer is yes, you’ll be delighted to know that:

  • YouTube has over 2 billion users. That’s nearly one-third of internet users worldwide. (Source: YouTube)
  • 74% of adults and 77% of 15-35-year olds in the U.S. use YouTube (Source: Hootsuite)
  • Every year, more and more channels earn 5 figures on YouTube. (Source: YouTube)

If these stats don’t convince you to optimize your videos for YouTube search, I don’t know what does. Because the truth is, YouTube is growing. 

Marketing your business through video may not be a new concept. However, we cannot deny the fact that video is a more engaging format than the written word. Brands can convey their message in just a few seconds. 

Video is also more personalized and more likely to result in conversions. 

But here’s the key: 

To make your YouTube videos succeed, you need to invest in YouTube SEO. You read that correctly. Even video content needs to be optimized to gain visibility — just like your website! 

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How to Use Content Syndication the Right Way

Content syndication is one of the most controversial SEO strategies around. In fact, for every content marketer who swears that syndication is essential, you’ll find one who tells you that it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Why is this?

The controversy comes from the fact that syndication can offer huge SEO benefits, but it also poses a number of risks when you don’t know what you’re doing. On top of that, syndication means working with third parties. 

This adds an uncontrolled variable, as your syndication partner can easily mess something up too. Therefore, the best content syndication strategies leverage the benefits on offer while minimizing the risks for your SEO.

Today we’re going to look at two strategies to achieve this. Specifically, we’ll explore how you can syndicate video content and infographics to boost your organic and referral traffic. But first, let’s start with the basics.

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