5 Best SEO-Friendly Website Builders in 2022

5 Best SEO-friendly Website Builders in 2022

Your website needs to be SEO-friendly, there are no ifs and buts in that. And for the best results, you need to make sure your website builder is SEO-friendly too. 

After all, if the base isn’t right, there would not be much left for you to optimize later on.

So here are the 5 best SEO-friendly website builders for 2022:

  1. WordPress – Best overall SEO website builder
  2. Wix – Best SEO website builder with in-built functionalities
  3. Squarespace – Best SEO website builders for design-centric sites
  4. Weebly – SEO website builder for small-scale pet projects
  5. Shopify – Best eCommerce SEO website builder

How we found the top 5 best SEO-friendly website builders? 

Every website builder claims to be SEO-friendly.

How can you trust this list?

  • We have tried and tested every website builder on this list. The information here comes from first-hand experience. 
  • We earn no commission, whatsoever from any of these site builders. We have no motivation to be biased.
  • We have also taken into consideration the feedback of real users of these builders. So you can rest assured there is no personal bias.

Will these website builders stand strong in the face of Google’s algorithm updates?

Google makes thousands of updates to its algorithms every year. Some are huge (known as core updates). Others, not so much. 

But these website builders come with a broad spectrum of SEO tools and features. All these are based on Google’s key SEO guidelines. So no matter the algorithm update, these site builders still let you create a site that users and Google crawlers love alike. 

Will choosing an SEO-friendly website builder help me rank better?

Choosing an SEO-friendly website builder won’t guarantee higher SERP rankings. The end result depends on how well you understand SEO and how you put the available tools to use. Choosing an SEO-friendly website builder just sets the base for creating an SEO-friendly website

Let’s check out the SEO-specific features of the top 5 SEO-friendly website builders in detail.

1. WordPress.org


WordPress powers 30+% of the top 1000 websites.

Studies have also shown that WordPress takes care of 80-90% of Google’s crawling issues

Thus, WordPress is one of the best SEO-friendly CMS in the market. 

Here are the top WordPress features that make it possible:

  1. Customizing metadata is easy

You can set unique Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions for all pages. SEO plugins (Like YoastSEO and AllInOne SEO) make the task even simpler. 

You can also set templates for metadata. For example, all your blog page titles can be set as “Page Title + Site Title”.

  1. Quick load speed

There are several WordPress plugins to boost your site load speed. 

WPRocket is one such plugin that minifies Javascript and CSS to help bring down site load time.  

  1. A simple, crawlable framework

WordPress websites have a simple, streamlined framework and architecture. Google’s spiders are acquainted with such a structure and thus are able to quickly crawl the sites. This allows proper indexing of all the pages leading to higher SERP visibility. 

  1. Editable permalinks

You can set rules for automatically creating short, SEO-friendly permalinks with WordPress. Or you can edit and customize each URL individually. Canonical URL tags are added automatically. 

  1. Image optimization

You can add Alt tags to all the images on your WordPress website. Plugins are also available to resize and compress images. This ensures that media files are optimized and don’t slow down your site or hamper the user experience. 

  1. Mobile-optimized themes

There are over 30,000 WordPress themes, most of which are mobile-friendly. A lot of newer themes are also Core Web Vital-friendly. 

  1. Easy integrations

WordPress lets you add several integrations to your website. These include third-party solutions, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and social media channels. These integrations help boost and monitor SEO efforts.

  1. Indexing control with robots.txt and sitemap.xml

You can create and upload a robots.txt for proper indexing using the FTP access to your site. Or you can use file manager plugins. And most WordPress SEO plugins auto generate sitemap.xml files for your website.

  1. Heading tags and structured data

You can easily define styles for H1, H2, and H3… tags and define the tags on each page as per your needs. SEO plugins can create structured data automatically. You can also place the structured data code on individual pages. 

  1. User experience can be customized

User experience, a key Google ranking parameter, is easy to customize in WordPress. The drag-and-drop page builders let even non-developers create great websites with ease.

The final verdict

WordPress is one of the most featured-loaded website builders when it comes to SEO. And even otherwise!

But most WordPress SEO features come from plugins. It would have been better if  WordPress had more built-in SEO features. This would reduce reliance on third-party plugins. 

But if the job is getting done, who are we to complain?

2. Wix


Whether it was the issue of not getting indexed by Google or the infamous hash bang URLs, Wix was under fire for not being SEO-friendly for a long, long time. But things have improved significantly in the past couple of years. 

So much so that now Wix is one of our top SEO-friendly website builders for 2022

Here are the key features that have made this possible.

  1. Extremely easy to use

Wix is known most for its ease of use. The same stands true for its SEO capabilities. Every SEO feature you need is built right into the dashboard. No need for plugins, even for advanced SEO features.

  1. Customizable metadata 

You can set custom Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions for each page. Editing the metadata, later on, is also possible. The same goes for the H1, H2, and H3 through H6 tags.

  1. Custom URLs, in-built redirection, and canonical tags

Wix is an Ajax-based site and earlier used the hashbang (#!) URL structure. It looked something like www.yoursite.com/#!features. 

Such URLs were not SEO-friendly. That has finally changed now and you can customize your Wix site URLs as per SEO-best practices. Options for 301 redirect and adding canonical tags are also available right from the Wix SEO dashboard.     

  1. Scope for integrations

You can get your site verified (via Google Search Console integration) from the Wix dashboard. Google Analytics integration is also simple to set up. Same for social media integrations.

  1. Automatically generated, yet editable robots.txt and sitemap.xml 

Wix automatically generates your robot.txt and sitemap.xml files. Unlike most other builders that let you do that, Wix also lets you edit the files with ease. 

  1. One-click site-wide SEO implementations

If you want to make sure your SEO settings get implemented on all your current and future pages, there is a one-click option for making the settings global for your site.

  1. Image optimization

Wix lets you add custom Alt tags to all your images in the settings menu.

  1. Security, mobile optimization, and speed

Wix comes with hosting and a free SSL certificate, which makes your site secure, and thus SEO-friendly. You have the option to adjust your site’s layout for mobile devices too. 

But while Wix sites are overall quick-loading, the server size is a bit on the higher end. 

  1. Structured data

Wix does not automatically generate or add structured data to your website. But you do have the option to enter the code manually. 

  1. SEO guides

Wix gives helpful alerts and guides to help you effectively carry out search engine optimization on every page.

The final verdict

While Wix isn’t the highest scorer on our list, it does a pretty decent job, given its humble price point. As for structured data and speed, the compromise is worth the trade-off in terms of ease of use.

3. Squarespace


A website builder mostly known for design and aesthetics, Squarespace has robust SEO capabilities. It is not the most beginner-friendly, to be honest. But if used right, it does a good job of helping you get visibility on the web. 

Here are the top SEO features of Squarespace worth a clap.

  1. Easy customization of metadata

Meta Title, Meta Description, and Heading tags, Squarespace dashboard lets you edit all of that for each page. 

  1. Unique keyword search analytics panel

Unlike any other website builder, Squarespace tells you which keywords your site is ranking for. Plus options to better optimize your pages further. The feature is available under the Analytics menu on the homepage. 

  1. A-step-ahead indexing with Bing Webmasters Tools

Other than letting you rank high on Google, Squarespace lets you verify your site on Bing and Yahoo! as well. This lets you get higher search visibility.

  1. Readable file names that double as Alt tags

The name of the image file that you upload on Squarespace gets automatically read. And it doubles as an Alt tag too. You can separately add the Alt tag too.

  1. Great speed and uptime 

Squarespace has a server response time of 0.5 seconds, which beats Google’s required 0.6 seconds. With 99% uptime, your site is unlikely to go down, which too is great for SEO.

  1. Off-the-bat mobile optimization

All Squarespace themes are mobile optimized. No need for you to do anything here. Everything is already taken care of.

  1. Automatic canonical tags

Squarespace automatically generates canonical tags for all your web pages. The problem, however, arises when you want to edit the tags. That is not possible. 

  1. Scope for integrations

You can easily and effectively integrate your site with Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and 30+ social media platforms. 

  1. Structured data generation

Squarespace auto generates structured data markups. But if you need any edits, you will have to write and implement the code on your own. 

The final verdict

Squarespace, undeniably, is an SEO-friendly website builder worth trying in 2022 and beyond. But it is only for beginners. Advanced SEO functionalities are either non-existent or require coding proficiency. So it is great only if you need a basic site with basic SEO. Or have coding help at hand.

4. Weebly


Weebly is a great website builder for artists, bloggers, and coders who need a website as their portfolio. Also, you can design stunning single-page sites with Weebly. 

No matter what kind of site you build with Weebly, you want it to get indexed and be visible in search.

Weebly takes care of that. 

Here are the top SEO functionalities that Weebly offers site owners.

  1. In-page metadata editor

Weebly lets you add metadata to your website in two ways. Either you can go to the settings section and set the Meta Title and Meta Description. Or you can use the easier in-page metadata editor. A word of caution though. Adding metadata via both these methods would create two or duplicate metadata. This is extremely bad for SEO

  1. Easy-to-use SEO functionalities

Adding heading tags, alt tags, and the basic yadda, yadda, is easy to implement with Weebly. You won’t have to sit staring at lengthy guides or boring videos to unleash Weebly’s SEO features.

  1. Tips and guides galore

Weebly is extremely generous in terms of offering SEO tips and guides. You can learn more about the basics and how to implement the strategies with Wix. The Help Center is where you’ll find all this goldmine of information.

  1. Scope for custom SEO strategies

Want to add canonical tags? Need structured data markup on every page? Weebly lets you manually do all of that. Expect no hassles in adding the custom code, without expecting any help either though.

  1. Mobile-friendliness is taken care of

Every Weebly theme is responsive and mobile-friendly. You don’t need to make any further effort here. 

Important note: We do not recommend using the Weebly website builder for creating large-scale business websites. From an SEO-specific viewpoint as well, Weebly is good only for basic, small-scale, and personal sites. Scaling your SEO efforts is tough, if not impossible with Weebly. And there are easier alternatives (like the other site builders on this list), which you can use instead. 

The final verdict

Weebly is a decent enough SEO website builder for portfolio sites, personal use, and small-scale businesses that do not intend to scale their site or SEO efforts in the future. For more ambitious SEO, consider other options.

5. Shopify

Shopify SEO

The undisputed ruler of eCommerce website development, Shopify, of course, takes care of SEO. 

How else can you expect your Shopify site to mint money for you, if it isn’t found on the SERPs?

Shopify has always exclusively been known for its eCommerce-friendly features.  But here are some of its SEO-friendly features worth mentioning:

  1. Basic eCommerce SEO – sorted

Meta Title, Meta Description, Heading tags, Alt tags, you name it, and Shopify has taken care of it. And all the features are available right in the Shopify page editing dashboard.

  1. Automatic sitemap.xml and robots.txt file

Shopify automatically creates a robots.txt file for your website. Plus, an XML sitemap that lists all the URLs of your eCommerce store. The not-so-great thing here, however, is that it doesn’t allow editing these files. What do you do if you want to edit these files? There isn’t any ‘simple’ way to do it. You’ll have to edit the files from your theme’s theme.liquid file. That’s tough. And also not recommended for non-coders. 

  1. Simple 301 redirection

Need to redirect one page to another? Shopify lets you add simple 301 redirections with ease. No hassles. No code. No stress. 

  1. Plenty of responsive themes to choose from

Shopify offers several themes and templates. 1500+ of those are available on Themeforest itself. And most of these themes and templates are responsive. Thus, with the right theme selection, you can ensure your eStore renders equally well on all types and sizes of devices.

  1. SEO apps to add more functionalities 

If there are some functionalities that Shopify doesn’t offer in-box, it makes sure you still get access to those. With Shopify SEO apps. 

From image optimization apps to YoastSEO, there are tons of options to make your site a Google favorite. 

  1. Blazing fast speed

Shopify is fast. No denials about that. What’s more, is that this speed comes with uptime and security. The holy trinity of technical SEO is thus taken care of.

  1. Streamlined security and integrations

As mentioned earlier, Shopify doesn’t compromise on security. You get the SSL certificate bundled in your monthly SaaS package. Plus, you can integrate your site with Google Analytics, Search Console, and social media. The processes for these integrations aren’t too long either.

  1. Basic structured data capabilities

With Shopify’s in-built structured data capabilities, you can easily inform Google about your products’ names, prices, and descriptions. Want to add information about color, size, etc. too? You’ll need coding ninjas for that. 

The final verdict

Though not an SEO wonder, Shopify is by no means lacking in terms of basic SEO functionalities. For any eCommerce store owner, what Shopify offers in-built and via apps should be satisfactory. 

Now all you have to do is pick one from these 5 SEO-friendly website builders. And then get started on your journey towards the top of the SERPs.

6. Appy Pie

Appy Pie’s AI Website Builder emerges as a beacon of innovation and simplicity designed to cater to the needs of both tech novices and seasoned web developers, Appy Pie offers a user-friendly experience that empowers you to create a professional-looking website in no time.

But what sets Appy Pie apart is not just its ease of use; it’s the comprehensive suite of features that are engineered to not only bring your website to life but also ensure it thrives in the digital ecosystem. Let’s dive into the core elements that make Appy Pie the go-to choice for building

  1. User-Friendly Interface

Appy Pie’s AI Website Builder is the epitome of user-friendliness. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, creating a website has never been more straightforward. From adding pages to customizing layouts, every step is guided, ensuring a smooth creation process.

  1. Built-in SEO Features

Appy Pie understands this and integrates advanced SEO tools directly into its platform. From customizable metadata for each page to easy setup of 301 redirects and canonical tags, every feature is designed to boost your site’s ranking on search engines.

  1. Scope for Integration

The digital world thrives on connectivity, and Appy Pie’s AI Website Builder embraces this by offering extensive integration capabilities. Whether you’re looking to connect your site with social media platforms, incorporate e-commerce functionalities, or integrate with email marketing tools, Appy Pie has got you covered.

  1. Easy Website-to-App Conversion

Appy Pie offers an unparalleled feature: the ability to convert your website into a fully functional mobile app with the same features and layout. And the best part? This conversion comes at no additional cost.

  1. Low Data Consumption

Nowadays, data consumption is a constant concern, especially in regions with limited internet access, Appy Pie stands out by ensuring your website is optimized for low data usage.

  1. Integrated Marketing Opportunities

Digital marketing is the backbone of online visibility and user engagement. Appy Pie’s AI Website Builder goes beyond the basics by incorporating integrated marketing tools directly into the platform. 

The final verdict

Appy Pie is more than just one of the best AI website building tools. It’s a comprehensive platform designed to support your digital journey every step of the way.

From its user-friendly interface to its advanced features like SEO optimization, integration capabilities, and marketing tools, Appy Pie ensures that your website is not just created but thrives in the digital ecosystem.

Embrace the future of web development with Appy Pie, and turn your digital dreams into reality.

How to choose one from the top 5 SEO-friendly website builders?

Base your decision on the following set of factors –

  1. The scope of free and paid plans of the website builder.
  2. Your experience with SEO tools offered by the website builder.
  3. Your level of SEO and code literacy. 

When in doubt, make sure to always discuss the choice of website builders with experts.