Category Archives: ecommerce

Ecommerce SEO Audit – 7 Ways You Let it Slip for the Holidays

Ecommerce SEO Audit - 7 Ways You Let it Slip for the Holidays

For some of us, the holiday season is a chance to put our feet up, take a break from our usual routines, sip hot chocolate by the fire, and enjoy time with family and friends.

But relaxation is the last thing on a retailer’s mind between November and December.

Why? Because the holiday shopping season can make or break retail revenue for the year. This is where a thorough ecommerce SEO audit comes in handy.

Holiday sales account for about 19% of total retail sales. But the figure is even higher for some retailer sectors. Also, holiday sales are often more profitable because the increase in volume comes without significantly increasing retailers’ fixed costs of doing business.

Unfortunately, this often means that ecommerce SEO takes a back seat to more pressing issues like processing orders, shipping packages, restocking inventory, and dealing with customer service inquiries.

Before you know it, you’re neglecting your ecommerce optimization, which causes you to lose out on valuable organic search traffic and sales.

Here are seven common ways SEO slips for your ecommerce site during the holidays and how you can turn it back around once the dust settles.

Let’s dive in.

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7 WooCommerce Plugins to Increase Your Store Sales

7 WooCommerce Plugins to Increase Your Store Sales

Trying to find the best WooCommerce plugins to increase your store sales?

We all know WordPress is a great platform for building small to large-sized online merchants using the eCommerce plugin – WooCommerce.

However, WooCommerce itself is not able to provide the significant features that you may need to improve your eCommerce store’s shopping experience.

That is where the role of WooCommerce plugins and extensions comes into play!

The good news is that there are over 6000 WooCommerce plugins available in the WordPress plugins repository. Nevertheless, there is one slight problem, how would you know which plugins to add to your list in order to maximize your business’s potential?

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Best Ways to Skyrocket eCommerce Sales Conversions

Are you looking for the best ways to skyrocket your eCommerce sales conversions? Are you tired of implementing ‘proven’ eCommerce strategies and getting little or no results? If this is you, this article is for you.

After spending a lot of time and resources to create the ‘perfect’ eCommerce website, you expected a sales explosion. 

You did your homework and found in-demand products and trusted suppliers. You even set aside a considerable budget for advertising. But despite doing what the internet tells you to do, your eCommerce sales remained below par.

The reason why you are not hitting those big numbers is competition. There are over 47 billion websites on the internet; your site is just one of them. In the US, there are approximately 1.3 million eCommerce websites

Imagine following the same strategies that 1.3 million eCommerce websites are doing and expecting to perform better somehow?

The average eCommerce sales conversion rate is between 1% to 2%. This rate is what those strategies will get you. If you want to skyrocket your eCommerce sales conversions higher than that, you have to do what only the successful minority of eCommerce store owners are doing. You have to dig deeper to optimize your conversion.

Let’s get started.

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How to Do Amazon Keyword Research Properly


You could have one of the most robust, brilliantly researched and developed products of all time but if the customer can’t find it in their query results, it doesn’t exist. Not conducting a thorough keyword research to optimize your amazon listings is like throwing down a fishing line without any bait on the hook. 

If you want to succeed on Amazon, you need Amazon keyword research to understand the search terms that the majority of customers use when they’re looking for something in particular. You can use these keywords to optimize the content on your Amazon page for greater visibility. In order to achieve this, you will also require a working knowledge of how a search engine operates. 

This guide will break down Amazon keyword research to its fundamentals and walk you through the steps. Remember, as a new e-commerce merchant or existing merchant with new products your priority is visibility. Visibility gets you leads that can be converted into sales. It is a simple formula.

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Top 10 Actionable SEO Tips to Rank your Amazon Products Listing Much Higher

Amazon is a global leader and one of the fastest growing retailers on eCommerce. In fact, most consumers start their very first online shopping search on Amazon, and 206 million people visit it every month. With 81% of clicks going to brands on the first page of the search results, 70% of Amazon shoppers never browse past it, and accord 64% of their clicks to the first 3 items. So how can you thrive as a seller on the Amazon marketplace? Amazon SEO. 

In this article, I will break down to you 10 actionable Amazon SEO tips that will help you optimize your Amazon product listings higher than those of your strongest competitors, and eventually rank on top of the search results on Amazon.  

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9 Easy Ways to Drive Shopify Sales

ECommerce has changed the way marketing works and these days, brands prefer opening up eCommerce stores over physical ones when they first start out. Shopify was born when its founder wanted to try selling snowboards online but found it incredibly challenging to do so, which is when he created Shopify himself.

Since then, budding entrepreneurs from over 175 countries have used the platform to sell a variety of products. If you don’t know How to set up a Shopify store? and how it benefits eCommerce businesses, we’ll shed some light on the subject.

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