Does Web Design Helps with Conversion Rate


Who wants to dominate the online world?


When building a website, your primary goal is to generate an exclusive revenue stream. And for that, you need a flawless harmony between responsive web design and high-quality content.

According to PRNewswire, 94% of people start by noticing the aesthetics of a website or application before they decide whether to continue or move on.

Now, that fact has intrigued you. Let’s take a dive to understand the impact of web design and user journey on website conversion rate, what factors of web design influence conversion rate, how to take them into consideration, and develop strategies to create a unique brand value. 

What is a Conversion Rate & Why Web Design is Important?

The conversion rate of your website is determined by the number of successful sales, leads, form submissions, and other tasks that your visitors complete. A conversion optimization technique increases visitors’ chances of completing these tasks on a website.

It is vital to know how many people have shown genuine interest in your particular product/service. From this, you get the idea of how many people are aware of the product/service and convinced that it is suitable for them.

Furthermore, conversion rate helps you understand and provide insight into which part needs your efforts. If your website receives a lot of traffic but converts poorly, you might want to spend money on branding and marketing. Or, possibly, the layout of your website is inadequate.

Now you know Website design plays a copper-bottomed role here. A well-designed website provides users with a proper direction and guides them towards completing their needs.

What is Responsive Web Design?

A practical, responsive website looks visually appealing, has user-friendly navigation, and works optimally on all devices. A responsive website will ensure that clients and potential customers have a smooth experience on your website regardless of whether they’re browsing on a smartphone or laptop. This is because images, text, and other HTML elements adapt to the browser size.

It used to be that many websites that looked perfectly normal on a laptop would seem compressed or distorted on a smartphone. It was a pain to navigate, but it is no longer necessary to use a desktop computer to surf the web seamlessly. In responsive web design, visitors have the same experience regardless of the device on which they are viewing the website.

Additionally, this approach provides excellent customer service for your audience while making it easier for you to manage as a business owner. Rather than creating separate sites for different devices, you have to create one site and update it.

Today, when you’re going for website creation, you go with the latest tech and choose Vue or React frameworks to make the website responsive.

What is the Connection Between Web Design & Conversion Rate?


Contrary to popular belief, one’s efforts in conversion rate optimization do not end with establishing a visually appealing website. It is unquestionably significant, but only when other factors are in tune with it.

Keep in mind that your website conversions depend on the alignment of your content, design, and social media. It should establish a consistent front that viewers can grasp at a whim and like the clear and concise manner in which you deliver everything. This way, you will be able to gain more conversions.

How Good Web Design Improves Conversion Rates

I know that your aim should be to develop a user-centric web design. Maybe it doesn’t sound very easy, but it’s a simple and practical approach to presenting your site to online visitors. However, it would help if you focused on the factors that make a site more trustworthy, and the following are key ones that need your focus.

Sets a lasting first impression

Your website’s design is often the first impression you make with customers, and it influences how they perceive your brand. In order to convert website traffic into revenue-generating customers, it is crucial to impress customers with an attractive UI, engaging user experience, and compelling content.

Contributes to SEO

Websites benefit from search engine optimization (SEO) because it provides organic traffic. And as we know that SEO and content go hand-in-hand. The site’s content must do justice to its design. In addition, optimized layouts and hierarchies increase the chances of building a reputation when search engines crawl and index web pages. The main thing to consider when utilizing appropriate optimization tactics is SEO audit services because the proper improvement frequently occurs after doing a complete SEO audit.

Convenient Access

Web accessibility is a crucial SEO factor for creating comprehensive online experiences. The site must meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) – a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. Make sure you or the designer take into account disabilities like color blindness, blindness, cognitive, vision, and mobility impairments to ensure an all-embracing website.

Organized Layout 

Organizing your website pages clearly and intuitively is fundamental for a conversion-focused design. If your website is designed properly, your visitors will feel comfortable. You should also make it easy for them to find as much information as they need about your products or services.

In other words, you always need to consider the overall perspective – addressing the question at hand while directing prospects to other related pages.

Here, a well-designed website structure comes into play, and how it is designed makes all the difference. You need a logical and concise layout. If not, you’ll find that many people give up before making any purchases. 


The term responsiveness is often thrown around for a valid reason. A method of web design known as responsive web design (RWD) ensures that online pages display well across a range of devices or screen sizes. Since 50% of consumers use mobile devices today, a responsive website design increases sales. Google and Bing consider responsiveness as a ranking SEO factor. The method of your website should also improve conversion rates on mobile devices.


Your website’s content needs to be easily digestible by your visitors to establish you as a leading brand.

Therefore, your content’s design should not cause them headaches. If your site isn’t attractive enough, people won’t bother scanning through it, let alone reading the content. To make everything effortless to read, choose simple, professional fonts and leave enough space between the lines. The majority of users today don’t spend much time reading every word, so successful companies adopt a jargon-free communication technique.  

Google Ranking

A well-designed website works wonders in search engine ranking. A website’s search engine ranking gets a boost from intelligent design. Responsive web design is more effective because Google does not have to crawl many pages of your website to assign precise indexing attributes.

Fosters Belief

Converting visitors requires trust. Whenever a customer provides you with money or personal information, they want to be sure they can trust your company and website. The right web design speaks to your customers about your brand, your values, and how you want to treat them like people with an entertaining user experience.

How do You Develop a Web Design That Converts

Identify Your Objectives

Designers must take into consideration business objectives first, rather than jumping into layouts and pixels. A conversion-driven UX/UI design is much simpler to create if the strategic business goals are defined. Designers should clarify any unclear criteria that could steer the project in the wrong direction when studying the client’s brief. 

Ensure Design is Responsive

Business owners cannot afford to lose prospects due to a landing page that isn’t accessible from a desktop. Responsive web design eliminates the need for time-consuming redirects. Visitors are guided quickly and promptly to the product or service they are seeking.

Therefore, the designer should pay attention to how the website looks on various screens. Additionally, Google strongly promotes responsive design. In other words, responsive design is beneficial from the standpoint of conversion rates as well as SEO.

Make it Faster to Load

There is no time for your users to wait for a website to load – they might already be occupied with multiple tasks. If your content is not accessible quickly, your visitors are likely to leave and never return. Don’t overload your website with a busy design that takes forever to load, and invest in reliable hosting, caching plugins, and lazy loading.

Because of this, your pages will load more quickly. A faster-loading website will improve your users’ experience and increase conversions. The engineering team usually has to optimize the page loading speed, but designers can also do much to speed up the process by:

Minimizing CSS and Javascript file sizes by reusing components and interaction patterns. Optimize images according to their positioning and web layout by using JPGs instead of PNGs.

Value proposition

Customers can discover and understand the challenges and issues your product or service addresses by your value proposition.

For example, if you’re selling handmade soaps and bathing products, your value proposition is that customers can “Feel the relaxing effect of natural ingredients without harmful reactions.”

There is no mention of handmade products; all you are selling is the solution. A value proposition is usually placed above the fold, next to a call to action. The customer sees the solution (value proposition) to their problem and signs up.

Make it Beautiful 

When trying to increase conversion rates, aesthetics are not the most crucial factor because they primarily serve to represent your company. While aiming to enhance conversions, functionality is significantly more relevant.

This does not mean that the looks of your website are far from significant; in reality, the reverse is true. The appearance of your website is a reflection of your company. An antiquated, cumbersome, or overly cluttered design conveys that your business is out of touch with the present and is unaware of what customers want. So make an investment in a stunning design that is also distinctive and streamlined.

Breathing Room

Whitespace, aka negative space, is an efficient web design approach for emphasizing specific components, such as a CTA, prominent elements, or typography. It gives users breathing space to consider all aspects by giving them time to think. For text and UI elements, designers must also use the proper negative space to improve readability and divide content.

Recognize What Users are Expecting

Designers don’t need to create something from scratch every time. Your site users are accustomed to some standard navigation features in UI and UX design, irrespective of who your buyer personas are. These include the position of the navigation bar or the cart symbol. You will hardly convert browsers into buyers if the design of your landing page is confusing for them to understand.

Align User and Strategic Plans

Imagine a client visiting your website for the first time. A glance at your blog or About Us section is what they are looking for. After scrolling for about three seconds, a massive pop-up appears. The individual is trying to finalize the transaction when two pop-ups appear one after another, which ask to subscribe to your newsletter and try your service for free.

As a result, users will have a poor experience. Generating leads is the business goal, and learning about the company is the user’s goal, lead generation strategies are created toward informing users as well as getting a quality lead. Designers need to consider user goals and balance positive UX with CRO tactics. 

Case Studies

For B2B websites to showcase how your solution makes things better and produces profits, case studies are more than just necessities. They are successful because they reveal the extent to which you can guide them in achieving their goals. A lot of talks are useless! Your business practices are transparent through case studies. It will be evident to new customers that they will acquire superior service and/or product(s).


There really is not a particularly effective method for UI and UX design for your site. Regardless of how much experience they have, both marketers and designers should thoroughly test any alterations to the user interfaces and monitor UX KPI measurements.


If you want to have your customers react a certain way, tell them what to do. Is there anything more straightforward than that? Be mindful about when, where, and how you will say to them. In spite of the abundance of online content, users are unable to browse online pages effectively. Visitors instead skim pages, focusing only on the most crucial details.

Due to this, designers and marketers are aware of how successful CTA psychology is in drawing attention. Text, buttons, images, animations, and videos can all be used as CTAs. Depending on the type of your brand, it may also persuade customers to take different actions. QR codes can also be used as a CTA. These codes are safe to use and can be easily created using a QR code generator.

Make your CTA components user-friendly if you want people to convert. Avoid using pushy tactics that can irritate visitors even before they test your goods or service.


Once you’ve developed a user-friendly layout and a compelling call to action, it’s time to consider the content that will guide you toward conversion rate optimization. A content strategy begins by determining your target audience, just like any other marketing approach. Knowing who your readers are will make it simple to understand their interests.

To choose the most engaging themes that speak to your audience’s problems, find out which stages of the sales funnel your clients go through.

For example, if you market vegan edibles, write about facts and myth-busters regarding vegan food, offer nutritional advice, demonstrate how-tos of vegan recipes, and post interviews with influential people in the culinary industry. If you own a design agency that primarily caters to businesses, it discusses creative tactics for increasing conversions.

You can also post case studies that explain the work and time estimation procedures to people who aren’t designers.

Share pertinent information that your prospective buyers are currently seeking. You’ll demonstrate your knowledge and willingness to assist in this way. That is how trust is developed.


Everywhere now, millions of individuals turn to online reviews, so it makes sense that they would want to know how customers have felt about your brand. That’s why it is essential to include a part of your site dedicated to client feedback and interviews. It is vital to display credentials, especially from well-known people or companies. You can raise the reputation of your brand and ensure customer satisfaction by doing this.

Google Analytics

Every modification you make to a website should be logged as it is pronounced. You must monitor before and after analytics if you make any adjustments to the copy, UI/UX design, traffic parameters, or call-to-action methods. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain, and you won’t be able to accurately calculate your return on investment.

Google Analytics is the most popular online analytics platform available. You can calculate the conversion rate by establishing goals, and it gives you a boatload of quantitative data. You’ll have a better grasp of where to concentrate your CRO initiatives, thanks to data analytics.

When all is Said and Done

I hope you have now gained the proper insight into how web design helps to get desired conversions. This article clarifies various strategies you can use to make web design aesthetically pleasing and compel users to take particular necessary actions.

Also, shed light on what web design is, conversion rate, and connection between the two to what are the essential elements you need to assess before jumping on to make decisions. So without any further ado, start taking steps forward to make your drive up the conversion rate of your website.


Suvarna Parikh is a technical content writer at ultroNeous Technologies – a leading web and mobile app development company that crafts user-centric digital products for brands of every size. She is incredibly passionate about writing on topics such as tech and marketing and balances informative content with an engaging read. Other than her writing, she is a bookworm interested in various fiction genres and loves sharing her perspectives on key technological and marketing aspects.