What Does SEO Stand For? – SEO FAQs Simply Answered

It’s likely that you have heard somebody referring to SEO before. And it’s almost certain that the conversation was about websites. But what exactly does SEO stand for and how it can help your business goals?

Well. It’s actually quite easy. The abbreviation stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Basically, it is an online marketing strategy with the main goal of helping your website earn more online traffic. This is achieved by taking actions within the site itself as well as actions that take place outside the website you are optimizing. As a result of these actions, you increase your ranking in search results on search engines (such as Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.).

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

As we discussed before, Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your website in such ways that help your content to rank for higher positions in search engine results. This is done with the aim of ranking your pages for certain keywords.

For example, if you are a car rental company in Los Angeles, you might want to rank your homepage for keywords such as “rent a car in Los Angeles” or “car rental in Los Angeles”.

You can do this, by improving your site for numerous search engine ranking factors. One of the most important ranking factors for your site is backlinks. Find out what is a backlink as well as the most important features of backlinks here.

Why SEO Is Important?

Now, you might be wondering why do you need to optimize your website for search engines. After all, you are creating quality content and people will eventually find what they are looking for if you cover the topic well enough.


Consider this – 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. It’s rare for people to know what exactly they are looking for. Usually, they have an idea but they need a search engine to guide them to the answer they are looking for.

Assuming that your site hasn’t been optimized, it will be harder for search engines to determine what exactly your pages are about. Therefore, there is a smaller chance of your site appearing on the first pages for a particular query.

Going back to our example, if somebody is looking for a “car rental in Los Angeles” and you have failed to get your page to rank for these keywords, you are missing out on potential customers.

So now that you know what does SEO stand for and why it is important, it could be useful for you to learn more about SEO and the main strategies this process involves.

If you have other Search Engine Related Questions visit our SEO FAQ section.